Praedicat CoMeta Product Update January 2022

Praedicat CoMeta Product Update January 2022

Praedicat CoMeta Product Update January 2022 300 300 David Loughran
Praedicat CoMeta Product Update
January 2022


Added Litagion Agents

  • Carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon dioxide accounts for approximately 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Scientists believe that eliminating the further accumulation of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide that trap heat in the atmosphere is essential to avoiding the most catastrophic effects of climate change. At this time, this profile is limited to an enumeration of the industrial activities responsible for carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. Humans add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere directly by burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) and indirectly by undermining the ability of natural sinks like forests and soils to remove and store carbon dioxide. Transportation and electricity generation account for two-thirds of carbon dioxide emissions in the United States. Another 24 percent of emissions is accounted for by other industrial activities that produce carbon dioxide through the combustion of fossil fuels and other chemical reactions.
  • Methane emissions. Methane accounts for approximately 10 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Scientists believe that eliminating the further accumulation of greenhouse gasses like methane that trap heat in the atmosphere is essential to avoiding the most catastrophic effects of climate change. Although methane persists in the atmosphere for a shorter period than carbon dioxide, it is 25 times more efficient at trapping heat. At this time, this profile is limited to an enumeration of the industrial activities responsible for methane emissions in the United States.  Enteric fermentation and manure management in the agricultural sector account for about 36 percent of all methane emissions. The production, transmission, and distribution of natural gas and oil accounts for another 30 percent of methane emissions, followed by landfills (17 percent) and coal mines (7 percent).
  • Indusrial meat. Industrial meat refers to the large-scale industrial production of meat principally for human consumption. Industrial meat operations confine large numbers of animals (cows, poultry, pigs, lamb, fish) in cages, barns, or feedlots where they receive food, water, and medicine. Animals are then slaughtered and their meat packed in industrial facilities to be distributed around the globe. This profile considers a range of human health and environmental consequences of industrial meat production including the effect of meat consumption on chronic disease, water contamination resulting from improper animal waste management, and the contribution of industrial meat to global climate change. The consequences of the use of antibiotics to manage disease in industrial meat operations is considered in the separate profile entitled “antibiotics overprescription.”