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Praedicat Posts on Praedicat blog

Praedicat is joining Moody’s

Praedicat is joining Moody’s 700 350 Bob Reville

Praedicat is joining Moody’s I have very big news.  Today, Praedicat has been acquired by Moody’s and I couldn’t be more delighted.  Joining the Moody’s family represents the culmination of…

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Praedicat Blog – The Long & Winding Road to Diesel Emissions Litigation

Praedicat Blog – The Long & Winding Road to Diesel Emissions Litigation 1430 804 Adam Grossman

The Long & Winding Road to Diesel Emissions Litigation Anybody who watched a truck accelerate in the 1990s likely remembers the thick clouds of black diesel exhaust billowing out of…

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Praedicat’s top emerging risk? PFAS, and with good reason.

Praedicat’s top emerging risk? PFAS, and with good reason. 1200 628 Adam Grossman

Praedicat’s top emerging risk? PFAS, and with good reason. Praedicat has recently completed an analysis of potential chemical liabilities in support of the release of the 2023 edition of ChemScore.…

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Cigarettes are no more addictive than Twinkies

Cigarettes are no more addictive than Twinkies 700 350 David Loughran

Testifying before Congress in 1994, James Johnston, then CEO of R.J. Reynolds, defended his company’s tobacco products by claiming they were no more addictive than Twinkies.  At the time, that claim…

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