Praedicat Presentation: Obesogens: What, Where and Why?

Praedicat Presentation: Obesogens: What, Where and Why?

Praedicat Presentation: Obesogens: What, Where and Why? 750 421 Meghan Dengler

Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2019
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Columbus Convention Center, Room A216
Dr. Adam Grossman

Dr. Adam Grossman, VP of Modeling & Senior Scientist, and a Cofounder, at Praedicat, will talk about the broad range of chemicals and ingredients in industrial and consumer applications that are thought to contribute to the long-term increase in obesity rates worldwide, including exploration of the mechanisms through which they exert obesogenic effects and their potential environmental impacts.

Obesogens: What, Where and Why?


Scientists have been investigating the impact of chemical exposures on weight gain for decades. The term “obesogen” was first coined by a University of California biology professor in 2006 in a paper investigating weight gain in the offspring of mice exposed to the chemical tributyltin when pregnant.

During this session, we will dive into the range of chemicals and ingredients, including those used in pesticides, plasticizers, flame retardants, and other industrial and consumer applications that, along with poor diet and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, are thought to contribute to the long-term increase in obesity rates worldwide.

We will explore the mechanisms through which scientists hypothesize that these chemicals exert obesogenic effects: altering the number and size of fat cells, changing hormone levels that regulate appetite and satiety, and interfering with normal metabolism. In addition to obesity, we will also explore how these chemicals may be impacting the environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe a newly emerging class of risks potentially contributing to increasing obesity rates
    • Summarize the mechanisms through which scientists think obesogenic effects occur
    • Analyze the impacts these chemicals can have on the environment and people

Learning/Experience Level

Emerging Product Stewardship Issues