Praedicat’s Litigation Tracker Expansion

Praedicat’s Litigation Tracker Expansion

Praedicat’s Litigation Tracker Expansion 700 350 Meghan Dengler

Praedicat’s Litigation Tracker Expansion
Press Release

Praedicat is excited to announce an important update to our litigation tracker platform, initially launched in CoMeta to help casualty carriers navigate the flood of complaints filed against companies alleging negligence in exposing workers and consumers to COVID-19.

Now our clients can access important litigation information around three additional mass litigations: PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), toxic baby food (heavy metals in baby food), and paraquat (an herbicide alleged to cause Parkinson’s disease). The litigation tracker platform, which monitors U.S. courts for casualty-relevant litigation complaint by complaint, enables (re)insurers to stay abreast of and respond to these fast-moving litigation events. Clients receive trends in filed complaints and detailed case information on causes of action, targeted industries, named defendants, attorneys involved and more, all delivered through our intuitive software.

Read full press release here.

The long-term plan for the litigation tracker is to capture more emerging casualty-relevant litigation in its earliest stages so that clients can know which of the hundreds of sources of potential litigation monitored by Praedicat have resulted in actual litigation events and then track how those litigation events unfold over time.

Want to learn more about how the expanded litigation tracker can sharpen underwriting and claims strategies, quantify exposure to current litigation, and manage the risk of litigation that has yet to materialize. Get in touch!

Learn how litigation tracking plays an important role in our Emerging Risk Framework.

Learn more about the history of PFAS litigation in the US by reading David Loughran’s latest blog: “The past, present, and future of PFAS litigation in the United States”.

Articles Related to Press Release

Carrier Management –Praedicat, AIR Worldwide Announce Updates

CIRPraedicat Expands Litigation Tracker to include PFAS, Toxic Baby Food and Paraquat

Insurance Day – Praedicat Adds PFAS Litigation to its Litigation Tracker

Intelligent Insurer – Praedicat Expands Litigation Tracker with New Chemicals, warns on Baby Food Litigation

Reinsurance NewsPraedicat Adds Three Litigations to it’s CoMeta Tracker

Additional Readings on PFAS:

AM Best On High Alert: Rising Risks of PFAS Claims and Litigation Capture New Attention

Carrier Management – PFAS Litigation Levels Already at Epic Proportions

Insider EngagePFAS the mother of all toxic torts?

Praedicat BlogThe Past, Present, and Future of PFAS Litigation in the US

Praedicat UpdatePFAS in Drinking Water Scenarios

Praedicat BlogEPA Releases PFAS in Drinking Water Advisories

Click here to contact a member of our team to learn more

Missed our webinars about emerging risks and COVID-19? Catch up by watching our Lloyd’s Lab Demo Day video where we discuss our D&O-GL cross-line clash COVID-19 scenarios. Then watch the first Carrier Management ExecTalk video featuring Praedicat, the Praedicat-Intelligent Insurer webinar on the future of risk management, and the Coffee with Bob series now!

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