News & Insights

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Carrier Management – Endocrine Disruption Litigation Has Arrived

Carrier Management – Endocrine Disruption Litigation Has Arrived 1536 864 Yvonne Torres

June 8, 2023: Endocrine Disruption Litigation Has Arrived In their latest article for Carrier Management, Praedicat’s David Loughran and Adam Grossman explore the emergence of endocrine disruption as a major…

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Press Release – Aon and Praedicat expand partnership

Press Release – Aon and Praedicat expand partnership 700 350 Yvonne Torres

June 1, 2023: Aon and Praedicat partnership expansion to deliver new emerging risk solutions We are proud to announce that Aon and Praedicat have expanded our partnership to develop innovative…

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Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid

Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid 1340 754 Yvonne Torres

Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid The team at Viewpoint produces educational content for Public Television distribution, delivering TV segments that inform viewers on the latest topics and trends impacting the world.…

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Praedicat Blog – Industrialized meat production is hurting the climate, our health, and maybe your portfolio

Praedicat Blog – Industrialized meat production is hurting the climate, our health, and maybe your portfolio 2560 1440 Sheryll Mangahas

Praedicat Blog – Industrialized meat production is hurting the climate, our health, and maybe your portfolio by Adam Grossman & Sheryll Mangahas  “Beef.  It’s what’s for dinner.”  Many of us…

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Praedicat announces new partnership with Apollo

Praedicat announces new partnership with Apollo 700 350 Bob Reville

Praedicat + Apollo!  Apollo understands that underwriters have always faced a litany of challenges when addressing emerging risk. They also understand that in today’s environment of relentless innovation, the challenge…

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Move over food wheel, here comes NOVA

Move over food wheel, here comes NOVA 1500 1073 Meghan Dengler

February 28, 2023: Risk in the News – Ultraprocessed Foods Ultraprocessed foods are ready-to-consume, hyper-palatable, low-cost, and, according to critics, designed to replace all other food groups. But are they…

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Stealth – Praedicat’s new home!

Stealth – Praedicat’s new home! 605 340 Bob Reville

Stealth – Praedicat’s new home! We want our office to reflect who we are, what we do and how we work – a space that not only mirrors our ethos…

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Natural gas stoves – a heated health topic

Natural gas stoves – a heated health topic 700 350 Sheryll Mangahas

Natural gas stoves – a heated health topic by Adam Grossman & Sheryll Mangahas  A commissioner from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recently gave an interview to Bloomberg…

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Instech Podcast Interview: “Turning Risk Into Profitable and Sustainable Growth”

Instech Podcast Interview: “Turning Risk Into Profitable and Sustainable Growth” 600 400 Bob Reville

Praedicat’s Interview with Instech “Turning Risk Into Profitable and Sustainable Growth” The InsTech Podcast hosted by Matthew Grant offers a weekly dose of insights from and for the network of…

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Emerging Risks – Modelling The Next Asbestos

Emerging Risks – Modelling The Next Asbestos 704 524 Meghan Dengler

In the latest Emerging Risks article, Praedicat CEO Bob Reville shares his thoughts on some of the biggest industry trends with Marcus Alcock. He explores the history and complications of…

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Praedicat Blog – Testing Drinking Water for Microplastics

Praedicat Blog – Testing Drinking Water for Microplastics 700 350 Praedicat Staff

California Testing Drinking Water for Microplastics by Sheryll Mangahas  California is the most populous state in the United States Due to its expansive cities, there is a reliance on personal…

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Praedicat Releases Next Gen Casualty Cat Model: Nekomodel X

Praedicat Releases Next Gen Casualty Cat Model: Nekomodel X 1200 628 Meghan Dengler

Read the full press release here Praedicat is excited to announce the launch of Nekomodel™ X, the next generation of its probabilistic casualty catastrophe model. The culmination of ten years…

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